June 2023 round up

June blessed us with a brief heatwave before endless rainy days, it also brought us the end of the school term.

What I have read

Quite a bit actually as I have been tending to pick up a book rather than watching TV/movies in the evenings. I’ve even started propping up my Kindle and reading that while I dry/straighten my hair instead of watching something on my phone so that’s easily an extra hour and a half of reading every week!

What I have read:

  • What Was Hidden at Ardhmor (Ardhmor #3) – Lea Booth
  • Tilly and the Lost Fairytales (Pages & Co #2) – Anna James
  • Murder in the First Edition (Beyond the Page Bookstore #3) – Lauren Elliot
  • Bookshop Girl (Bookshop Girl #1) – Chloe Coles
  • Dear Mrs Bird (Emmy Lake Chronicles #1) – AJ Pearce
  • Fangirl – Rainbow Rowell
  • Miss Peregrine’s Museum of Wonders – Ransom Riggs
  • No Rings Attached (Ms Right #2) – Rachel Lacey
  • Witches Get Stuff Done (Starfall #1) – Molly Harper
  • Letters from the Lighthouse – Emma Carroll
  • The Good, the Bad and the History (Chronicles of St Mary’s #14) – Jodi Taylor
  • Going Solo – Roald Dahl
  • Yours Cheerfully (Emmy Lake Chronicles #2) – AJ Pearce

And I’m still working on:

  • Keeper of Enchanted Rooms (Whimbrel House #1) – Charlie N Holmberg
  • The Queen’s Nose – Dick King-Smith
  • The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels (Dangerous Damsels #1) – India Holton

What I have watched

  • We’ve watched the odd episode of Richard Osman’s House of Games, but mostly we’ve been watching Lego Masters USA as we started that after finishing the Australian series.
  • I watched Muppet Treasure Island after reading and watching another version last month, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides and Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.
  • My sister and I finished watching Motel Makeover and continued to be baffled by the choices made by the two businesswomen in charge of the renovations.
  • With Brodie we watched the next Star Wars – Episode V. He loved it but we had to laugh at his lack of reaction to the famous No, I AM your father. I also put Night at the Museum back on for him which went down well.

What I have done

  • It seems like an eternity ago already but at the start of June Stef was still here. We visited The Secret Bunker (a former Cold War command centre and not very secret these days) and then the fishing village of Anstruther, Broughty Ferry beach, the urban beach and fountains in the city centre, and we had our traditional Nando’s too. We then went back to St Andrews and the West Sands for our last day.
  • We went to Longforgan for their annual scarecrow trail, this year’s theme was Scottish Icons – you can have a guess what the ones below were, Dundee Comic Con, and Perth (on the train) for the Perth Model Railway exhibition. There were a lot of great model railways including a very detailed Harry Potter one and one which had a Blyton-esque beach (complete with caves) and lighthouse.
  • Brodie and I had several afternoons in the garden after school, it was too hot to go to the park and we had ice lollies in the freezer!
  • I’ve been feeding the foxes that have been appearing in our back garden around midnight. I first noticed them as they sound like seagulls squawking when they are play fighting. I can then open the bathroom window and lean out to watch them and throw food down.
  • I took Brodie in to visit his old nursery as they were having a closing party – the land the nursery is on is being sold and the nursery shut and demolished this summer.

What did your June look like?

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3 Responses to June 2023 round up

  1. chrissie777 says:

    Lovely pics, Fiona!

    Our June was pleasantly cool, sunny and dry. Usually it’s the first of 4 way too hot summer months, but no this year. In less than 90 days my favorite time of the year starts…

    We watched the two “Book Club” movies with Jane Fonda, Mary Steenburgen, Diane Keaton and Candace Bergen. And I wondered again why Diane Keaton likes to wear hats??? If I had still such a mane at her age like she does, I certainly wouldn’t hide it under a hat.
    We watched the third “Night at the Museum” movie which was as hilarious as the first two (and my favorite, the dinosaur skeleton, was in it again :)).

    I reread for the 8th time since 1990 “The Shell Seekers” by Rosamunde Pilcher…they don’t write such wonderful novels any longer.
    Then I discovered Nicholas Sparks and am reading “Safe Haven” which is as nice as “Message in a Bottle” or “Nights at Rodanthe”. I love the North Carolina settings in all of them.

    Next I plan to read an autobiography trilogy by Kathrene Pinkerton about her wilderness years in Canada. I’ve read it some 35 + years ago and am curious if it will still be as great as I remember it.
    We’ll go to the movies next Tuesday to watch “Indiana Jones” part 5. Since 1973 and “American Graffiti” I’m a fan of Harrison Ford.

    No outdoors activities as it’s so hot outside that the camera lens fogs up.


    • Fiona says:

      I’m glad you liked the 3rd “Night at the Museum” movie. Later installments in movie series are often disappointing but I think this is one series that keeps its quality with each film.


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