Monday #580

It has been a bit of a rollercoaster weekend for us – it started out with a leaking shower/bath affecting the flat below us, moved on to us finding a lost cockatiel which Brodie named Kiki, and then ended up with Brodie being unwell.

But we’ve had some sunshine, and hopefully “Kiki” has recovered now that she’s being looked after by the SSPCA. So it wasn’t all bad!

Malory Towers on TV – Series three


Reading the Adventure Series to Brodie







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2 Responses to Monday #580

  1. Anonymous says:

    Adventure series; Castle and Island stand out as my favourites.

    In a lot of ways I wish the Famous Five books were as long (word wise) as the Adventure series novels.

    Thanks for another good yarn, Fiona.


  2. Dale Vincero says:

    Castle and Island stand out as my favourites amongst the Adventure novels.

    Thanks for another good yard, Fiona


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