Monday #584

Last week rather ran away from me – I had watched the next two episodes of Malory Towers and made (copious) notes in advance, but ran out of time to turn them into a (semi) coherent review with screen shots. Hopefully this week will be better.

Letters to Enid part 50


Malory Towers on TV series 3

For the first time Enid Blyton is officially being included in a digital literacy platform!

The  Department for Education’s approved reading practise App, Fonetti, now features three packs of Enid Blyton stories taken from Summertime Stories, Animal Stories and Stories of Magic and Mischief.

It sounds like a pretty cool app as well – the child reads aloud and the app can tell whether they’ve read the word correctly, skipped it, or read it wrong. It can also provide hints on the sounds in the words.

It looks like it’ll be available in English schools which subscribe to Fonetti for their pupils or parents can buy a pack in the app for £7.99.

Nothing beats reading aloud with a real person but for extra practice this could be good – some kids like being independent especially – and even better is that Blyton’s writing has been considered good enough to be included, as we all know that in recent times her work has often been excluded and/or disparaged in school and library settings.


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