Monday #581

Having been talking about putting a raised bed in the garden and growing some chives and other easy herbs, it was a coincidence that we then got offered some strawberry plants from my cousin. I have now ordered a raised bed kit, and am hoping for a Secret Island-esque bounty of produce in my own backyard. (Somehow the Arnolds never had any need for compost or protection from slugs/bird/aphids… lucky children!) At least I’m fairly certain whatever I plant will get plenty of watering from the rain!

Letters to Enid 49


Reading the Famous Five to Brodie part 8

The love for Enid Blyton is truly alive and well – at least for the 500 people who just joined my Facebook group. ( if you were wondering). It looks like Facebook decided to randomly promote it to a lot of people! It has been great seeing everyone’s answers to the joining question which asks what their favourite Enid Blyton book or series is. (This is to try to prevent spammers from joining.) I’ve even started making a tally of the answers so I can present the results later!

I don’t like leaving the requests too long so sometimes jot them on a bit of paper, leading me to later forget some of my ingenious short codes for book titles…

Can you work out what this lot were? (The circled one had me totally stumped for quite a while!)

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2 Responses to Monday #581

  1. Dale Vincero says:

    Think I have made this comment before, but for late-comers will repeat:

    With Billycock Hill, there is a major inconsistency in that early on in the storyline, cousin Jeff says that since the Five arrived there to camp, they would have been quietly checked out by the Military from the airbase.  Yet later on, the same military spooks know absolutely nothing about the Butterfly Farm and its various adult men coming and going -personnel who are permanent residents there.  And all this within a few hundred metres from of the airbase…

    Thanks for the review, Fiona.


  2. Dale Vincero says:

    Billycock Hill again- From the posture of that aircraft on the front cover, it is in a major stall and about to crash. Guess the artist had to make it big for the front cover, even if not true to life.


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